Tuile Template 1.5″ Circle, 24 on Mat

Tuile Template 1.5
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Invaluable tool for creating magnificent plated desserts. Different batter mixtures can be used with the template to create shapes: tuile batter, cigarette batter, tulipe batter, meringues, hippenmasse and ice cream cone mixtures, just to name a few Easy to use: Simply place template on a Silpat (Item #Silpat-1 or 2). Spread batter into the design cavities and scrape off excess batter LIFT OFF TEMPLATE and place Silpat w/batter shapes on sheet pan Bake for approx. 5 minutes Shape while warm Can be shaped on bottles, jars, dowels, cups, etc. FDA-approved plastic sheet 10-1/2 inch x 15-1/2 inch..

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